John C. Maxwell
When the country is in chaos, everybody has a plan to fix it—but it takes a leader of real understanding to straighten things out.” Prov. 28:2 (Message)
Golf illustration. Guys usually poor golfer and goes on the first tee hits the ball straight down the middle of the fairway. Perfect shot. The gets to ball, it is on a sand hill, home of 10,000 ants. First swing, he misses the whole ball and kills 5,000 ants. Second swing, misses the ball, sand flying everywhere. Kills 4998 ants. Two left. One says to the other, “If we want to survive, we have to get on the ball.”
The Qualifying Test to Become Leadership Laws
It is not based on culture, gender, or age.
It relates and applies to all communities. (business, religious, academic)
Recognized by other leaders as a Leadership Law
Stands the test of time. (They are not a fad, and overnight are outdated.)
These laws can be learned—they are transferable. Some are easier to learn and some are not so easy to learn.
These laws stand alone. These laws are independent of each other. One is not dependent on another.
These laws carry consequences. If you don’t learn to follow them, they will mess you up. Follow these and people will follow you.
These laws are the foundation of leadership. You build leadership off of these.
Some people won’t like a couple of laws. I don’t care. If you don’t like them. You can disagree with the law of gravity. You don’t break the law, it breaks you.
We must be intentional about the process of raising leaders.
You can’t microwave leaders. You have to crock pot leaders. The greatest challenge as a leader is teaching others leadership.
This is our task as pastors. We are to be leaders. But we are to train and develop leaders. It is the priesthood of all believer. This is the greatest challenge.
It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Eph 4:11-12
Law Number 1
The Law of the Lid.
Leadership ability is the lid that determines a persons level of effectiveness. It determines the churches size.
Use the Hand illustration. The leadership ability keeps us from growing and reaching our potential. Leadership ability is always the lid on personal and organizational effectiveness.
The relationship between leadership and effectiveness is seen in sports. Talent is rarely the issue. Leadership by the coach and several key players makes the difference. You don’t have a 4 leader leading a 7 church.
Picture from camera or scanner of leadership diagrams
Leadership Determines the Level of Effectiveness
A growing church is the result of a growing leader.
2 things always do to restart a failing business.
We always do in depth training of up front people.
We always fire the president. To change the direction of the organization, change the leader.
Getting rid of the leader is not the only way.
Godliness and Growth are not related
When Good people run things, everyone is glad, but when the ruler is bad, everyone groans. Proverbs 29:2 (The Message)
In Israel, when they had a good king they prospered. When they had a bad king they went down the tubes.
- What is the Lid # on my leadership? If your number is 5 you will attract leadrs with 1-4 numbers.
Would those around me agree with my assessment?
What is my plan to increase my Lid#?
What are the Lid#’s of those that work with me?
- What is my plan to increase their Lid#.
Evaluate your mastery of the law of the lid. (1-10)
Law Number 2
The Law of Influence (This is the true measure of a leader)
The True measure of leadership is influence—nothing more, nothing less.
Lady Di and the Palace
Leadership Proverb, “He who thinks he leads, but has no follower is only taking a walk.”
The best way to test a leader is to ask them to lead volunteers.
If you can’t influence others they won’t follow you. If they will not follow you, your not the leader.
The church is the most leadership intensive enterprise in society. Positional leadership does not work in a volunteer organization.
We have been taught that leadership is title. Illus. Williamsville, IL and Ken Poe. 125 year old church.
5 Levels of leadership Influence
- Highest Levels of Leadership (Influence)
- Personhood. (Respect. People follow because of who you are and what you represent.
- People development. (Reproduction. people follow because of what you have done for them.)
- Production (Results. people follow because you have done for the organization).
- Permission (Realtionships. People follow because they ant to.)
- Position (rights is the key. People folloe because they have to.)
Leadership myths
The management myth—The main difference between the two is that leadership is about influencing people to follow, while management focuses on maintaining systems and processes.
The best way to test whether a person can lead rather than just manage is to ask him to create positive change. Managers can maintain direction, but they can’t change it. To move people in a new direction you need influence.
The entrepreneur myth—able to persuade people for the moment, not long term influence.
The knowledge myth—IQ doesn’t necessarily equate to leadership. Brilliant research scientists on university campuses. But can lead.
The pioneer myth—Anyone who is out in front of the crowd is a leader. Being first is not always the same as leading.
The position myth— It is not the position that makes the leader—
It is the leader who makes the position!
What is the level of my influence with the leaders of my congregation?
What is the level of my influence with the followers of my congregation?
Who are the top 10 influencers in my organization?
Do I influence the influencers?
Evaluate your mastery of the Law of Influence (1-10)
Law Number 3
The Law of Process
Leadership Develops Daily, not in a day.
Like the horizons for breadth and the ocean for depth, the understanding of a good leader is broad and deep.
Proverbs 25:3 (The Message)
It takes a lot of time and exposure to become a leader.
Someone asks me, are leaders born? Yes. Never seen an unborn leader. Some are naturally born. Traits seems to be innate in them.
European village. Tourist asked, have any great men been born here. Elderly man said no, only babies.
The secret of success is found in the daily agenda.
You can learn to lead. Illus. Intern, room full of people walked by. Followed, said lets talk. Yes, I had to get to work. You just walked by work.
The capacity to develop and improve skills distinguishes leaders from followers. The goal of each day must be to get a little better—to build on the previous day’s experience.
We overestimate the event and we underestimate the process!
The Event
It is not unimportant, just not enough.
Encourages decision
Motivates people
Is a calendar issue
Challenges people
Is easy
The Process
Encourages development
Matures people
Is a culture issue
Changes people
Is difficult
Leadership is Many Faceted:
Training Attitude
The secret of our success is found in our daily agenda. Give me 12 hrs. with someone and I can tell you if they are going to be successful or not. Illus.
Illustration of College graduation degree. Not successful that day, just recognized that day. Successful all along the years. Failure then as well. Success and failure are really daily things.
As pastor men come to me, eyes red, hair all messed up. Say, pastor my wife left me, my marriage failed last night. It didn’t fail last night, it just showed up last night.
What Can be discovered by our Daily Agenda?
Personal Discipline
Emotional Qualities
Influence level
Vision (Dream)
Champions don’t become champions in the ring—they are merely recognized there!!
4 phases of leadership growth
I don’t know what I don’t know
I know what I don’t know
I grow and know and it starts to show
I simply go because of what I know
Do I have a daily plan to grow as a leader?
Do I have a leadership growth plan for my team?
Am I developing a leadership culture in my organization?
What are the evidences of a leadership culture?
You can’t become a leader this week—it is too quick. But you can start the process. You become a leader one day at a time.
Evaluate you Mastery of the Law of Process (1-10)
Work on the priorities of your church. Expend them meke them better. help other leaders grow. Read for yourself that will help you. Les White reads 65 books per year.
Leadership Law #4
The Law of Navigation
This is the quickest law to learn—it is the technical part of leadership
Anyone can steer a ship, but it takes a Leader to Chart the Course. Law of influence and the law of E.F. Hutton are cousins. They are not the same.
“A good leader remains focused. Controlling your destination is better than being controlled by it.” Jack Welch
Navigate when it comes to building. Imagine leading people through a mine field. People get blown up. They are saying, I am not going to follow this guy. Develop the process.
A leader is one who sees more than others see.
A leader is one who sees farther than others see.
A leader is one who sees before others see.
If people see quicker than you, your not a leader.
No matter how much you learn from the past, it will never tell you all you need to know for the present.
Navigators examine the conditions before making commitments
Make sure their conclusions represent both faith and fact.
Predetermine your course of action
Lay out your goals
Adjust your priorities
Notify key personnel
Allow time for acceptance
Head into action
Expect Problems. Motion causes friction, it always has it always will.
Always point to your successes. Some people point out your shortcomings—it is their calling in life, their spiritual gift.
Daily review your progress.
The secret of the Law of Navigation: Preparation!
Charting the course: Major barriers to successful planning are
fear of change,
uncertainty about the future
and lack of imagination.
It is not the size of the project that determines its acceptance, support, and success. It is the size of the leader.
Many mechanics prepare a plane—one a few pilot.
Do I know where I am going?
Should I take my people with me?
Have I shared the vision and the process with my leaders?
Have I received their input and blessing?
Evaluate Your Mastery of the Law of Navigation (1-10)
Good leadership is a channel of water controlled by God; He directs it to whatever end He chooses. Proverbs 21:1 (The Message)
Law Number #5
The Law of E.F. Hutton- Real leader
When the real leader speaks, people listen.
You need to find those people in your church, some positive, some negative that can start of stop something. Follow the eyes
Let me illustrate. Ken Poe was the real leader. You need to go back to your church and find the E.F. Huttons in your organization. Some of them will be positive, some will be negative. How do you know the influencers, how do you find them?
Ask questions like.
If you want something started, who would you go to.
If you want something stopped, who would you go to.
If I were to come to your church, I could very quickly find the influencers. Illustrate with people. Class person want to paint, he makes presentation, but other person is leader. When you want to find out who the influencer is in a group. Watch the people in that group and watch who they are looking at. Watching influencer because we are waiting for her to give us a signal if we are for or against it. If influencer starts nodding, the rest start nodding. Presenter may think he is doing a good job. Not what you think, it is if influencer likes it. If presenter was smart he would go have lunch with the person and talk with them about it. Then he could say, I went to lunch, and influencer likes it too. Then you don’t need the presentation. Follow the eyes, they are the window to the soul. People will unconsciously look at the real decision maker. Illustrate. Group, Jay, Jeremy, Jeff, Tom. I will guess who Tom is. The others looked.
Real Leaders
Leadership is not positional
Positional leaders have a title but not always a following.
Positional leaders influence positional people. Watch the positional people when they talk to each others. Call each other Dr. etc. Ridiculous.
Real leaders have a following but not always a title.
Positional leaders influence positional people (followers who would like a position). If your always declaring yourself, telling them you’re a leader, your not the leader.
Real leaders influence Everyone.
Positional leaders, when people are not following. What do we do, get in the pulpit, and say, I am the leader. If you have to tell people you’re the leader, you’re not.
Someone asked me about my first church. What made Ken the E.F. Hutton of Williamsville. Wrote down. These are the 7 things that are make up real leaders.
7 Things that make up a real leader.
Real Leaders become Real Leaders because of Character—who they are. Ken lived there all his life. Proven track record. Honest, integrity. They have a character that is trustworthy.
Real Leaders become Real Leaders because of Relationships—who they know. Ken knew everybody in town. If fact everybody knew Ken. He had the relationship side covered well.
Real Leaders become Real Leaders because of Knowledge—what they know. Ken knew a little bit more about the church than anyone else in the church. One, because he was older. Had a son pastor, knew a little more.
Real Leaders become Real Leaders because of Intuition—What they feel. Some get the reins of leadership because they are a bit quicker to get it. If your in a group someone who gets it sooner, people look to as a leader.
Real Leaders become Real Leaders because of Experience—Where they’ve been. They have traveled the road before. They have had some victories under their belt. People don’t migrate to losers. The only people who migrate to these people are those who have the gift of mercy. Nobody gets on the train with a leader and asks where are we going? You want someone who knows where they are going. Just because you have a dream or vision you will be a leader. Knowing where you want to go doesn’t make you a leader. Going there doesn’t make you a leader. Why? Because Leaders don’t take a trip by themselves. The saying, it is lonely at the top, your not leading somebody, a leader doesn’t say that. Your just taking a trip. You’re a leader when you take somebody with you. You define leaders because they have people around them.
Your really successful when you train a leader who goes and gets someone to go with him. Then you’re a leader who is multiplying leaders.
Real Leaders become Real Leaders because of past success—What they’ve done.
Real Leaders become Real Leaders because of ability—what they can do.
Look at these and ask yourself which or how many of these do I excel in.
Am I a real leader?
Who are the real leaders in my congregation? You have to be able to know who they are. Tonight make a list of these people.
Do I have an excellent relationship with the real leaders? Then look at your list.
If not, why not?
Evaluate Your Mastery of the Law of EF Hutton (1-10)
A good leader motivates, doesn’t mislead, doesn’t exploit. Proverbs 4:110 (The Message)
Law Number 6
The Law of Solid Ground
Trust is the foundation of leadership.
Trust is the glue that holds an organization together.
T rust is given.
How much do your people trust you?
How much do you trust your people?
To build trust, you must demonstrate consistent Character and Competence. You cannot substitute one for the other. Illustrate. The
Change in your pocket Illustration Don’t come to church on Sunday, forgot. Oh, that was it. Cancel Sunday night service and didn’t tell anyone about it. 4 months later board found out, and they were upset. Gone bankrupt. When your out of change your out as a leader.
You will never find out your out of change until your out of change. It is not the biggest problem that causes you the problem, it is the last one.
A leader cannot continue to break trust with people and continue to influence them. People will not trust someone who has slips in character. In that area, occasional lapses are lethal.
Trust Builders
Character communicates
Violate the Law of the Solid ground and you are Through as a leader.
with integrity the longer you lead the longer it gets. Without integrity, the longer you lead, the worse it gets.
When you get change back your get back less than you gave up.
You lose change quicker than you gain it. It takes a long time to get it back. Illustrate marriage.
You will love board meetings if your getting change in your pocket.
You will hate the meetings if your giving up change from your pocket.
Problem is not your problem.
It takes change in your pocket to change the organization.
People will tolerate honest mistakes, but if you violate their trust you will find it very difficult to ever regain their confidence. Character makes trust possible. Trust makes leadership possible. No leader can break trust with his people and expect to keep influencing them. Trust is the foundation of leadership. Violate the law of Solid ground and your through as a leader.
Do I have change in my pocket?
Is my “change” increasing or decreasing?
Do I pass the integrity test?
With integrity, the longer I lead, the better it gets.
Without integrity the longer I lead the worse it gets.
The question is, not how big the change is, the question is how much change is in your pocket. That is dependent on whether or not your people trust you.
Evaluate your mastery of the law of Solid Ground (1-10)
Law number 7
The Law of Respect.
People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves. People do not follow people by accindent.
This law is very close to the law of Solid ground.
This is the toughest law to teach. I have to be careful and make sure my heart is right. If it is not you may be offended and I don’t want to do that. Remember the law of the lid. From a 1-10 I am a 4 as a leader. If I am a 4 as a leader, not only does my church come under me leaders, the people who follow me will be 3,2,1. I don’t lead 8’s and 9’s. They never have and never will. The quality people I need to lead are going to be scarce. Better leaders don’t follow poorer leaders. The law of respect say people don’t follow you who are stronger than you. If you can move from a 4 to 7, then 5,6 can follow you. You broaden your respect range.
People don’t follow people by accident. There are always a few exception. If they do, they may not be the people you need or want.
When people respect you as a person, they admire you.
When people respect you as a friend, they love you.
When people respect you as a friend, follow you. This is what I am talking about. The more leadership you have the more you can size up the leadership of others. You can walk into a room and size it up and walk out with the leaders. When a leader walks in your life and determines if you’re a leader.
How a Leader Gains respect
When you have respect for others—how you treat people beneath you. Leadership gains authority and respect when the voiceless poor are treated fairly. Proverbs 12:14 (The Message) Mistreats people below them, those you can take advantage of. Tell a lot about a man by the way he treats his wife.
Success will give you respect. Which team do you want to play on, someone who has never won or someone who has never lost.
Faithfulness and consistency will give you respect.
Add value to others. When someone can say, my life is better because of him/her. Success is earned. It is not in titles. I prefer people just call me Les. That is the name mother gave me when I was born. Pastor friend, someone from church walked by and called me Les. They said, they didn’t respect you. They did not call your Dr. or Reverend, or pastor. Respect does not come from title, it comes from the value we add to others.
Our leadership ability
Courage—demonstrate it. Lays leadership on the line. In any area we are going to have to demonstrate courage. Say something we did not want to have to say but had to or do something you had to do but did not want to do. Example with leaders. Yeah and Nay, a donkey can do this. Take away a lot of things but not my integrity. I will lead, I will help you, we are going on the trip. They knew they had a leader who will demonstrate courage.
Respect is earned.
The test of respect.
The response of the people when the leader asks for commitment.
The response of people when the leader asks for change. The greatest test of respect comes when a leader creates a major change in an organization. If they respond in a positive way, you have a respect. Some will not be committed, I am talking
When you have respect, that is when you fight the big battles, that is when you can make great strides.
Do I possess the qualities that earn respect? Do Those closest to you and know you’re the best and will tell you the truth, and not what you want to hear.
Evaluate your mastery of the law of respect (1-10)
Law Number 8
The Law of Intuition
Leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias.
This is the toughest to teach. This favors the most the natural gifted leader. Your intuitive in your area of giftedness. If your gift is mercy your intuitive to those who are hurting. Teaching, learning or not learning. Leaders read people and situations through the eyes of a leader.
Who you are determines what you see. I viewed everything from a communication teaching perspective. Elab. That is my perspective. When you came, you did it from a students perspective, seat, etc. We saw two different things and yet we are in the same room. Illustrate clothes and Anita wear things. Match. Did you wear that.
Who determines what you see. Intuition is an area of spiritual giftedness.
Leaders are readers . . . they read and respond. Basketball Illustration
They read and Sense
Placement of People (Eldership)
To somewhere with group. Breakfast. Go into parking lot, get in and assume everyone was to follow. Hugging, how are you, picture. I’m frustrated. Don’t have clue get a table because they are going fast. Just stand around. They are ignoring me. Somebody has got to get the tables. Daughter, way ahead. Don’t know. They visiting disgusting. Lets go save tables. 15 minutes later they come in. Anita say, get foot off the table. Never said thank you for getting ready for us. They just thought they would be there.
You do not have this law under your belt if you are constantly blindsided. Always being surprised.
A leader of good judgment gives stability; an exploiting leader leaves a trail of waste. Proverbs 29:4 (The Message)
Do I continue to get blindsided by people and events around me?
Do others think ahead better than me? If so who are they. Listen to them.
Do I rely on others to help me with their intuitiveness?
Evaluate Your Mastery of the Law of Intuition (1-10)
Book Aqua church-flow respond-a kin to timing.
Law Number 9
The Law of Magnetism
Who You Are is Who You Attract
Write down the top 3 qualities in people that you would like to attract to your church.
Put an x by the qualities if you have them.
Who you are is who you attract. Illus.
If these are not yours, your in trouble.
Do you possess these qualities.
Birds of a feather flock together.
When I go to a church to preach, I can tell you what kind of a leader you have by watching the people. If they are excited about being there and enthusiastic about church, then they have a leader that is that way. If they want to sleep awhile, then they probably have a low energy leader.
If you have been in the church for three years or more, every problem you have is your problem. This is the law of magnetism. People choose the personality of the church more than they choose the teology of the church.
What you see is what you are. That is a little disgusting isn’t it.
A team should be an extension of the coaches personality. It works in every area. Tell this when I visit church. Eastview Church. Describe and illustrate, of course, Gary York is a leader.
People choose personality of church as much or more than they do theology.
Assembly—love to sing, demonstrative Illustrate different churches. Pipe organ people, drums people. Who goes there, people who like that stuff. You attract who you are. Judy Spence, Pipe organ a 14th century dirge, do I look like a dirge kinda guy.
Depressing minor key dirge. I’m getting depressed. I am ready to resign from ministry. Writing suicide notes. When he is done with this I have to preach. After that I don’t even know if I love Jesus. Talked with organist. We attract who we are.
Key Areas of attraction
These will determine who comes to your church.
Mission (vision)
Age (Based on Age) Takes on age of senior pastor.
Life Experience
As you put these principles to work you attract leaders. You are ahead of the game.
Good leaders go out and staff to their weakness. People who are different will not be naturally attracted to you.
If you think your people are negative you better check your attitude.
The better leader you are—the better leaders you will attract.
Does our mission statement reflect who we are or who we want to be?
Are there changes I need to make to attract qualities that I do not possess
Look at qualities you don’t possess and ask how can I get those qualities so I can attract people.
Evaluate your mastery of the Law of Attraction (1-10)
Law Number 10
The Law of Connection
My favorite law to teach..
Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand.
Leaders have the ability to connect with people
This law has a lot to do with communication
All great leaders and communicators connect with their audience.
Bad communicators. Tom Peters In search of excellence. Did not do a good job. The whole time he spoke he had a mad demeanor. He acted like he was mad at us. Spoke like I don’t want to be here. Had bad day.
George Bush. Senior. 55 minutes smiled. Good man. Never said anything.
Cokie Roberts. Talked down to us all the time. Like we didn’t know anything.
The word communicate means common ground. This is what communicators do.
Gerald Ford. Good man. But he should not be allowed to talk. Not only did he not say anything voice—monotone, never wavered. He should speak on a tape and you could sell it for a tranquilizer. Said everything in one voice one tone.
Mark Russel. Humor. 55 questions. Pulled you in.
Mario Quomo, great communicator, he had passion. Clap, did not believe what he said, but it was so good.
Elizabeth Dole. She spoke 5 minutes and I though, she is my friend. Good job. Oh, she was good. Republican convention. Came off stage and talked to people. She sees and like people. Why is Bob running for office. He should stay home. Is he a good man. Yes, can he communicate, no. Send Elizabeth. Just because you had a meeting or you preached, doesn’t mean you connected.
Preacher in church not look at us. Look at clock. Go do jumping jacks. He does not know we are here. Sneak out, rapture come. Take clothes off.
The ability to connect with people is essential to strong leadership
Passion is essential to communication.
You cannot move people to action unless you first move them with emotion. The heart comes before the head.
Connecting with people is the leaders responsibility. Switch yard train. Engine finds the cars. Just because you hit does not mean you connected.
Just because you said something doesn’t mean you communicated.
The stronger the relationship and connection between individuals, the more likely the followers will want to help the leader.
Great communicators have one thing in common. They connect with people.
Connect with people one at a time.
Connecting with people is the leaders responsibility
How to connect with People
Connect with people yourself (be real).
Share with openness and sincerity (be approachable).
Live your message (learn visually) 89% of everything you learn visually.
Know your audience.
Communicate on their level Seminary taught us to answer questions that no one is asking. Get rid of preachers voice. Thou. Goda. Christian ease stuff. Give real language.
Give yourself totally to the people and the message.
Believe totally in the people and the message. If you don’t believe in the message you will never move them. If you don’t believe in the people you will never know where to move them.
Share how the message has touched you-your life. Don’t communicate as an observer. This is how I learned this and I was changes by this in that way.....
Offer directions and hope.
Leaders are dealers in hope . . . Napoleon
The tougher the challenge, the greater the communicator.
On Boss’s Day 1994, a full-page ad appeared in USA Today. It was contracted and paid for by the employees of Southwest Airlines,
And it was addressed to Herb Kelleher, the company’s CEO
Thanks Herb
For remembering every one of our names.
For supporting the Ronald McDonald House
For helping load baggage on Thanksgiving
For giving everyone a kiss (and we mean everyone).
For listening.
For running the only profitable major airline
For sing at our holiday party.
For singing one once a year.
For letting us wear shorts and sneakers to work
For golfing at the LUV Classic with one club.
For outtalking Sam Donaldson
For riding your Harley Davidson into Southwest Headquarters.
For being a friend, not just a boss.
Happy Boss’s Day From Each One of Your 16, 000 employees.
Only one thing had to do with business—all the rest were relational.
Don’t ever underestimate the importance of building relational bridges between yourself and people you lead. There is an old saying. To lead yourself, use your head; to lead others use your heart
How well do I connect with others in the following areas?
Small Group Meetings
Board Meetings
Evaluate your mastery of the Law of Connection (1-10)
Law Number 11
The Law of the Inner Circle
There is going to be people around you, a few of them, that will make you or break you. You need to raise these people up as leaders.
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self restraint enough to keep from meddling while they do it.
A bad coach who has good players will loose. A good coach who has bad players will loose. You need to get very good players to play for you.
Our success will be determined by the players you have on your team. Bring on good people who have potential and train them.
You have to know how to choose the right people.
They key to the success of this law is
Have to know what good player looks like Need to get a picture of what a good player looks like. They will make us or break us.
Have to be able to pick them—bring them on the team. Recruit them and bring them on the team.
Train them—develop them. Just because you have a good player, you have to get them ready to play.
Every person you have on your staff, they carry around two buckets. One has gasoline and one has water. Get the picture. When there is a problem and here comes one of your players. Your players are always first on the scene. When the problem gets to you it is over. They either take water and put it on the fire. If they throw gas, then you have a real problem
Your inner circle will make it easier or more difficult for you.
A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him.
Some people say, I will not get a team, I will do it by my self.
If you can fulfill your dream by yourself, you don’t have much of a dream!
If you can do it all yourself, you don’t have much of a dream.
If you’re a self-made man, you have not made much.
Teamwork makes a dream work.
If you want to climb big mountains you need a team—Mt. Everest. Just don’t take a walk and end up there. There needs to be a team, equipment. If you want to climb a mole hill you can do that on your own.
It is teamwork that make the dream work.
A lot of time and energy goes into developing your inner circle. Your team will determine the level of your success. If you do it well it will give you great joy.
When your team gets better, you get better and when the team gets worse, you get worse.
Inner Circle Commitments
Team Leadership (a trend for the 21st century. Not a lone ranger.) From this point on I will develop a team. Too many pastors trying to do it all alone. Jethro and Moses. Solo leadership to team leadership. Especially in 21 century
Evaluate your present leadership team . You have to take the best players on your team. Put time, money, efforts, resources with your best players. Illustration, bet on horse, ask for one who has never won, just raise his self esteem. All the time in church we take the person who isn’t cutting it and put time and effort there. If you cannot train your leaders you trade them.
Evaluation tool for your team
Potential Value—Who are those who raise up themselves.
Positive Value—Who are those who raise up a morale of the organization.
Personal Value—Who are the ones who are valuable to me those who raise up others.
Production Value—Who are those who raise up others.
Proven Value—Who are those who raise up people who raise up people.
This will help you evaluate your inner circle and tell you where they are/
Develop your leadership team We will get to a strategy to do this in another law.
Good leaders cultivate honest speech; they love advisors who tell them the truth. Proverbs 16:13 (The Message)
Never stop improving your inner circle.
What is the average leadership # of my key laity?
Do I have a leadership development program for them?
What is the average leadership # of my staff?
Do I have a leadership development program for them?
Evaluate your Mastery of the Law of the Inner Circle (1-10)
Law Number 12
The Law of Empowerment
Only Secure Leaders Give power to others
The people’s capacity to achieve is determined by their leaders willingness and ability to empower.
The best leader is the one who has sense enough to pick to pick good men to do what he wants done and self restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
Many of us are afraid that if we empower people, if they go out and do good, they will take the focus off of us, that is what we do not like to empower people.
To push people down, you have to go down with them. Illustrate with person what I am talking about.
Why Do leaders Fail to Empower others?
Insecurity This is the biggest one by far. Insecure people never empower anyone. That is why only secure leader give power to others. Always have staff preach when I am away. You ought to do better than me, you only have to do one or two and I have to do 45 of them.
Desire for Job security (train and develop others) work yourself out of a job. Encourage them to work their way out of a job by training people to do it. If you will do this I will give you another job. If you can’t do that I will take the job away from you.
Paradigm shifts Senior Pastor is the leader of the church. Put them on pedestal. God can talk to more than one person in the congregation. Are you arrogant enough to think that you have all the answers. Get input from all the people. Get info from all your team. The idea that God only speaks through is nonsense. I like people who can think around me. Partners in the process.
Ego—want all the praise
It is amazing what can be accomplished if the leader doesn’t care who gets the credit. You know what I mean. Go to hospital room, oh pastor is here, oh, how wonderful. You think they were announcing the second coming. How do you know that, that is the way I feel. Oh, pastor, we could not make it without you. After church, shake hands with people and they tell us all these lies. Oh, pastor, that was a life changing message. If it was life changing you would have more than 37 in church. If you really think your that indispensable, just die. 30 minutes later they will be eating potato salad somewhere. Too bad about what’s his name over there. For a while I was stupid enough to believe that stuff. I realized that I am not that good.
Co Dependency A lot of sick leaders. We can’t lead people if you need people. People who want their people to need them. I am not talking about loving people. I am talking about being in the psychological situation that I need your approval. If that is the case, when I have to make a touch decision, I will not be able to make it.
The moment you get greater satisfaction out of seeing people grow and succeed than you get out of succeeding, then you know that you’re an empowering leader. My staff tell me that this is a strength of mine. In my early ministry I did not have a staff, I did everything myself. 1st church when left occasionally over 400 when I left they went to 150. I asked what did I do wrong. I allowed myself to be placed in a position to do it all myself. When I left there was a huge void. I had not developed one person. It was the worst mistake I have ever made. When I went to the next church, I would not make that mistake again. When you leave a ministry and it falls apart, it is your fault, you did not prepare people correctly.
If you need affirmation it will keep you from making a courageous decision.
When you feel the joy of others success, you’re an empowering leader.
What is my empowerment #?
If it is low, revisit the section “why do leaders fail to empower others?
In which areas are your weak?
Evaluate your Mastery of the Law of Empowerment. (1-10)
Law Number 13
The Law of Reproduction
You can teach people anything, if you don’t live it, you can’t reproduce it.
You are the hope for another generation of leaders. You must do it.
Leaders greatest responsibility is to raise up another leader.
We teach what we know, we reproduce what we are.
Colleges should have classes on leadership. Professor can teach a lot of information but it will not work if he is not a leader. Our hope for the next generation is to produce leaders.
It takes a leader to know a leader
It takes a leader to show a leader
It takes a leader to grow a leader
Why don’t all leaders develop other leaders? My guess is that only 5% raise up leaders. They have a large following. Story of David and Goliath. We like stories like that. But the rest of the story is that David went on and raised up a group of great warriors, “mighty men.” No fewer than 5 of them became giant killers.
David had 5. why it takes one to grow one. Saul killed no giants! King Saul had no giant killers in his army.
They are insecure.
They spend too much time with followers (very typical) We do this because followers want us more and we are more comfortable with these people. Look at calendar. Check you calendar.
Followers are easier to find and lead than leaders. Followers are everywhere, leading leaders is like herding cats. Leaders are tough. Don’t fall in line, they ask questions.
They don’t recognize the value of developing leaders. They think it is more trouble than it is worth. Elders are not always a leader in they area and they will not defer leadership.
Leadership has been viewed as a competitive effort, not a cooperative one. The game follow the leader—the goal is not to be a leader.
Am I reproducing leaders in my life?
If not, why not?
If you’re a leader, what caused you to become one.
Natural gifts 10%
Result of a Crisis 5%
Influence of another leader 85%
Reproducing Strategy: Will Develop leaders
Make a personal commitment to reproduce leaders.
Create a staff that attracts potential leaders.
Develop a system to raise up and train potential leaders.
Provide leadership training regularly.
Take any potential leader away for a retreat.
Evaluate your mastery of the law of Reproduction (1-10)
This is what I do. 4 areas of Leadership Development.
Personal leadership Dev. Grow self as leader –ongoing.
Teach leadership to staff. Books, tapes, etc.
Lay leaders one Sat a mo from 8-10, eat breakfast together. Teach them how to be spiritual leaders, how to support the pastor, and how to raise up leaders.
Weekend Retreat. Book read. Discuss, digest and go ahead with things.
Law #14
The law of Buy—in Says
People buy first into the leader, then the vision.
Every message is filtered through the messenger. (Ralph came to Christ because I petted dogs.) People buy into you first then the vision.
He only asks obedience—as you walk, he gives you the resources. God does not give you the resources at the same time he gives you the dream.
Obedience unlocks the resources.
The mark of a good leader is loyal followers;
Leadership is nothing without a loyal following. Proverbs 14:28 (The Message)
When followers don’t like the leader or the vision, they look for another leader.
When followers don’t like the leader but they like the vision, they look for another leader.
When the followers like the leader but not the vision, they change the vision.
Hitler. Paula Jones.
When the followers like the leader and the vision, they accomplish the vision.
The leader finds the dream and then the people. The people find the leader and then the dream.
The gift a leader gives people is a dream. Gift people give a leader is fulfillment of a Dream. Any dream you can accomplish by yourself is not much of a dream. You need people to accomplish your dream. You don’t sell your dream without first selling yourself.
Have the people bought into me? You are the message? You can’t separate the leader from the cause.
Have I bought into the people?
Evaluate your mastery of the law of Buy-in.
It’s wonderful when the people believe in the leader.
It’s more wonderful when the leader believes in the people.
People are asking, do I want to take a trip with that person.
You have to sell yourself before you sell the vision.
Sometimes they want to take the trip, just not with you.
As a leader, you do not learn any points for failing at a noble task.
People won’t go along with you until they get along with you. Relationships are the heart of this. It helps in casting vision. It is really important in volunteer organizations.
People don’t, at first, follow worthy causes. They follow worthy leaders who promote worthwhile causes. People buy into the leader 1st, then the leaders vision. Having an understanding of that changes your whole approach to leading people.
Congregations I have served are congregational in nature. Vote on everything, including me. I have never had less than a 92% vote. By laws change. Willard Scharf. Stood up and said, if we vote on this it will be the first time I am supposed to know what I am to do. We had 97% approval. Said to wife, today is the day they bought in. It is the 3 Musketeers experience. All for one, one for all.
If they don’t buy into you, they won’t go after a small dream—if they buy in they will go after a big dream.
God does not give resources when he gives the dream, he gives resources as you walk toward it your get more. Obedience unlocks the door to the resources.
Never ask for a decision unless they have bought into you. God wants from you the same buy-in.
If God is for us who is against us. (Rom 8:31) My translation, If God is for us, everyone else must be. When you get to where you need to be the resources will be there. He never gives them on the front end. It is a faith walk, a trust walk. If I do not have a 10 dream, God is not going to give me 10 people. We have not because we obey not.
We buy into God dream, it will become a reality.
Law # 15
The Law of Victory
Leaders Find a Way for the Team to Succeed. Michael Jordan. Desire and intensity to win. He willed it.
Leaders find a way for the team to win.
Leaders have a passion for victory.
Victorious leaders share in an inability to accept defeat.
If you study the great leaders, in any country, the leaders that are most esteemed are the ones that came to leadership in a crisis and brought victory.
Winston Churchill, said during war, Never, Never, Never give up
Victorious leaders find the alternative to winning unacceptable, so they find out what needs to be done and then they go after it with everything at their disposal.
Lincoln never forgot that the nation’s victory was his highest priority, ahead of his own pride, reputation, and personal comfort. He surrounded himself with the best leaders possible, empowered his generals, and was never afraid to give others the credit for the Victories the Union gained. For example, following General Grant’s victory at Vicksburg,, Lincoln sent a letter to him saying, I never had any faith, except the general hope that you knew better than I . . . I now wish to make the personal acknowledgment that you were right and I was wrong.
Jefferson Davis, on the other hand, never made victory his priority. When he should have been thinking like a revolutionary, he worked like a bureaucrat. When he should have been delegating authority and decision—making to his generals—the best in the land—he spent his time micro—managing them. And worst of all, he was more concerned with being right than with winning. Historian David M. Potter says of Davis, “He used an excessive share of his energy in contentious and even litigious argument to prove he was right. He seemed to feel that if he were right that was enough; that it was more important to vindicate his own rectitude than to get results. Davis violated the Law of Victory, and as a consequences his people suffered terrible defeat.
What is our aim?: I answer in one word:
Victory—victory at all costs,
Victory in spite of all terror, victory,
However long and hard the road may be;
For without victory there is no survival.
-Winston Churchill
Don’t you love to follow a leader that is going to bring you to victory. Playground game, get picked by kid who was leader, I knew I would win.
Crisis brings out the best and worst in leaders. When pressure is on, great leaders are at their best. Whatever is inside them comes to the surface. You might say that leaders are like tea bags. When they are in hot water, what is inside comes out.
What does the Law of Victory look like?
Leadership is responsible it always start here. Credit for leadership but not the responsibility for it. Benefits but not pay price.
Losing is Unacceptable They do not consider loosing. Can’t handle loosing.
Passion is unquenchable. Can’t slow them down and can’t cool them off. Don’t beg people to stay where they are. If you find a person who is on a mission, you can’t put the fire out. Find a person who whines, I don’t know if I can do it. I don not know if I have the time. I don’t want them on the team. You don’t need to build a fire under them. It is already there.
Creativity is essential They think outside the box, use box illustration with dots.
Quitting is unthinkable Not in the person’s vocabulary. You never have to ask the person, how committed are you to this project
Commitment is unquestionable
Victory is inevitable. This is the person who understands the law of leadership.
Your people desperately need to get victory under their belt. Church after church, apathy, sense of nothing getting accomplished. Problem with parking and room, already had two services. Went to Saturday night.
3 Components of Victory
Unity of Vision. You don’t win if players have a different agenda.
Diversity of skills. Different people on a team
Leaders dedicated to victory and raising players to their potential. Tony Twist.
When good people are promoted, everything is great, but when the bad are in charge, watch out. Proverbs 28:12 (The Message)
Does my team consistently win?
If not, why not? Start by reviewing, what the Law of Victory looks like.
Evaluate your mastery of the Law of Victory (1-10)
Law # 16
The Law of the Big MO—momentum.
Momentum is a leaders best friend.
Creating Momentum is your job.
This is a cousin to the law of victory.
Many times, the only difference between winning and losing is Momentum. It is not skill or talent.
Momentum is the great exaggerator!
To change direction, you have to create forward progress—that is the big Mo. It takes a leader to get things started.
Momentum makes leaders better than they are. When you have this your look better than you are. That is why leaders love momentum. If Momentum is going and you go to the pulpit and you say, turn to Genesis. They say wow, really great. Are you that good. Just ask the wife and kids. Makes you look better than you are. How many of you would like to have momentum working for you. It exaggerates and makes things look bigger and better than they are.
Momentum makes followers perform better than they are. (athletes playing above their heads.) Their doing better than they should be doing, they have momentum going.
No momentum makes leaders look worse than they are. A one inch block in front of the driving wheels and you can’t push the car to get it started.
Momentum is easier to steer than it is to start. When you have momentum your great, when you lack it, you say what happened to him. Train going down the track at 55 mph, can hit a 5 foot thick concrete reinforced wall and smash through it. That same train, stopped on the track and put a two inch block in front of the drive wheels can keep it from going.
Momentum is the most powerful change agent.
No momentum makes followers perform worse than they are.
Leaders are not problem solvers, that what managers are. Leaders are momentum makers.
Leaders are like thermostats They control the temperature. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Followers are like thermometers They record the temperature. Leaders are momentum makers. Managers are problem solvers.
How to Move the Big Mo
Understand it’s value—the value of momentum. Knocks problems down. If the other team is scoring at a rapid rate, what does the coach do. Fellowship, cum ba ya. Break or stop momentum. Allow to continue could win.
Figure out what the motivating factors are in your congregation. This is what builds momentum. These are the buttons that you need to push. My team, significance. This turns their crank. Maybe different in your church. How to find out what motivates you?
Story of Jaime Escalante hired at Garfield High School in east Los Angeles California. School a mess, danger of loosing funding. How motivate, poor, how change. AP test an answer. Wanted to challenge the best and brightest with calculus AP test. Started with 14, seven quit half way through took test, two passed. He knew if they could get a few wins under their belt they could make progress. Motivated them, rewards, praise etc. Introduced more algebra and trig to younger students. Started a summer program to teach advanced math. In fall put another calculus class together and this time there were 9 students, 8 took the test and 6 passed. He was making progress. Word of the success spread. The next year the class 15 took the class and 14 passed. Momentum breaker 10 of fourteen tests the graders found some similarities and said they cheated. Huge mess. They said take over. No that means we are guilty. Tried everything. The students reluctantly said take over. They had not studied for three months. They all passed. After that the program took off 129 students took test 85% receiving college credit. That one high school produced 27% of all pass AP calculus test scores by Mexican-Americans in the entire United States.
How Do you Find out what motivates you. What motivates your people.
What to you cry about?
What do you sing about?
What do you dream about?
I could sit down at lunch with you and in an hour what motivates you.
Remove the de-motivating factors in your organization. Beurocracy. Much more energy to start it than keeping it going. It takes huge energy to stop it from going the wrong way and get it going another way.
Schedule times for direction and celebration. Celebrate the victory. Party. I do not understand people who do not have fun. I love to work hard and I love to celebrate.
Recognize and honor people who move the ball forward.
Practice character leadership. If I do right, whether I feel good or not, I’ll feel good later.
What are the motivating factors in my congregation.
What are the de-motivating factors in my organization.
What am I dong to increase the motivating factors?
What am I doing to decrease the de-motivating factors?
It is easy to lead when you have momentum. When morale isn’t high, takes great leader to speak on faith and hope. Operate out of the Character box.
Evaluate your Mastery of the Law of the Big MO (1-10)
Law # 17
The Law of Priorities.
Leaders understand that Activity is not necessarily accomplishment.
Never grow to the point where there is no longer a need for priorities.
How smart you work.
We either have to evaluate or we will get stagnant. Organize or agonize. Visual in notes that will help you. Left hand column if you get your priorities right and you do just the top two. You get an 80% return. Do bottom 8 get a 20% return.
Your job and my job as a leader is to prioritize. Life, programs, people, tasks.
A follower starts out and hopes everything will turn out okay. A leader arises early, prays, thinks, prioritizes, evaluates, etc. Start your day prioritizing.
In the law of process. The secret of success is in your daily routine. The way you prioritize your life will determine your level of success. We are stewards of all the gifts, opportunities, giftedness, continually think through this and line them up. I will walk you through that in a moment.
Lets look at your calendar. If I saw your calendar, would I see a person who fills their calendar with priorities? Do you know what your priorities are and do you full your calendar or do you fill it. Leaders don’t let people fill their calendar.
A leader that can not prioritize his or her life cannot prioritize the life of their congregation. A confused and un prioritized leader will have the same kind of congregation. The first job of leading is to prioritize yourself.
If I asked you how you prioritize your life could you tell me? Piroeto principle. This 20-80% works everywhere. Here is the way it works. 20% of your people take up 80% of time. Almost always it is the wrong 20%. Works in every area. 20% of your sermon give you 80% of the benefit. If you preach for 20 minutes, 5 minutes is what you have. Elab.
The 3 Priority Questions: The 3 R’s
Requirement, What is required of me?
Return, What gives me the greatest return?
Reward, What gives me the greatest reward?
You have to ask the requirement question or you get fired.
You have to ask the return question, you ought to be fired.
You ought to ask this question or you will give up.
Here are my priorities. They may not be yours. Simple but focused
My 4 Priorities
Leadership: personal growth plan (my reading, daily devotions, learning)
Communicating: teach, preach, etc.
Relationship: networking
Planning :Vision Casting
What are my top 20% priorities. Can’t do this today but put a star here. Take a few hours. Set aside a whole day. This will make you and break you. What is it that I have to do, that nobody else can do except me? When you get that list, that is what you ought to be doing.
Who are my top 20% people? These are the people that get you there.
What is it that I have to do that nobody else can do except me? Are your sure?
I believe we do a lot of things in our churches not because they are the most important but because that is what we like to do or it keeps us busy so that we don’t have to do the things we should do.
If you live the law of priorities it will make your life.
Evaluate your Mastery of the Law of Priorities (1-10)
Sometimes you think I am better than I am. I am not. I teach leadership. Let me have a moment of honesty.
In the beginning I did not know how to do this. If you would have followed me in my first church you would have found somebody who was doing all the wrong things.
Some of you if you followed me around in the beginning would have said, this guy is never going to make it. In my first church I didn’t disciple anybody, didn’t equip anybody. Did not win anybody to Jesus the first year. I just went around trying to get people to like me and have a big happy family.
One day I was asked to do something I did not know how to do. Went to hosp. Went and talked about all kinds of things. Everything but the main thing, had a prayer, etc. I did that. But this man did not know Jesus, he was lost. I didn’t talk about Jesus. About 3 weeks later he died about a few minutes after I had been there. Wow! Would I do funeral. Of course. That is what pastors do. Hugged the family, prayed with them. Looked at casket. All of a sudden it hit me. I did nothing. He was lost. For the first time in my life God convicted me of my priorities. I began to cry. They thought I was upset because he died. I didn’t have a relationship with him. This guy went to hell because of me. Cried all through this stuff the next few days.
I went through six months of struggle. It took a long time and I was so discouraged. I thought, I do not know if I can hang in there. If I am going to stay in ministry I have to get priorities right. I had to deal with pride. It still hurts to think about it.
One evening, I settled the issue and God spoke to me and helped me understand the issues and settle the issue. I stood before my congregation, I took off the mask, got rid of the preachers voice. When I finished I publicly went to the altar. These people loved me. These people came forward. Lady stood beside me, her had on me, she is praying for me. Dear God, This is what Harvey and I were praying for. I had not fooled those people. They knew. I got up and hugged those people. Things were going to be different know.
I looked at someone who came, not Christian. I am going to come and see you tomorrow. She said, I know. I didn’t even know for sure how to tell them. We talked, and all of sudden I saw God tangibly work in her life. Tears came. I was in a place where God was going to work. First person I led to Christ.
People began to walk the isle when I preached. Husband got home, what happened to you. She said, I got saved. He began to cry. Whole family saved. Preached next Sunday. For the first time I preached with a covering and anointing. 17 people came forward. I tell you that because I want to give you hope. Listen, if God can do this for me he can do it for you.
Even though we are doing this quick and I say how can I help them go to the next level. It is not what I do but what God can do.
Law #18
The Law of Sacrifice
A leader must give up to go up.
The is opposite of the world. The world says as you grow as a leader you get perks and benefits.
This is an outline for a leader
Get up
Grow up mature, quit living for self, develop self. Mt. Everest—big as going to get
Gather up-develop team
Give up you don’t try to take a bunch of stuff with you. No success without sacrifice.
To grow up.
Mike Wallace 60 minutes. Mountain Climbing. People die. Yes we survive if not have people but that is the job of the guide. Is it worth it. Obvious Mr. Wallace, you have never been there.
The law of sacrifice maintains the one sacrifice seldom brings success.
The true nature of leadership is sacrifice. Look at the president of the United States.
Diagram page 189 Leadership pyramid also. Leadership pyramid. The higher you go the fewer options you have.
This law takes the politics out of people.
We are full at church. No parking. Leaders Park somewhere else, in America we have to do this. Leaders give it up first.
Where did you get this law—Jesus. This law is the great protector of wrong motives. I have lived by the law all of my life. Parking, two services, three services, no Saturday night with family.
For everything you gain, you must lose something. Emerson
Play now pay later. Pay not play later. You will pay, the only question is when. If you pay up front, the interest is greater. If you pay later, the more you pay.
If you pay now you can play on the other end.
When you become a leader you loose the right to think about yourself.
Sacrifice Statements:
There is no success without sacrifice. The price of success is always sacrifice. Successful people are not just lucky.
The higher the level of leadership the greater the sacrifice. This surprises people. When your at the bottom and you start, what do you give up—nothing. The higher you go the greater the price to pay. Like an auction. The higher you go the less hands in the air. The higher level of leadership you want to reach—the greater the sacrifice you will have to make. Church stops growing when the price gets to high. Illustration of jar with fleas and lid. After a while they quit jumping and then remove the lid. Don’t jump out. Feels better not to do. Some pastors do that in the start of their 1st ministry. Start jumping up against the lid of don’t change. Do once and said, will not do it again. Feels good, so jump only so high. If we are going to lead, there is a price we pay. This is good. It thins out all the fake leaders.
You have to give up to stay up. Sacrifice is never done. Why champion teams often do not repeat. Don’t want to do again what they have already done to be a champion again.
What got you there won’t keep you there, the greatest threat to tomorrow’s success is today’s success.
What is my next level of growth that I must climb and conquer?
What will I have to give up? The Bible says, count the cost. Luke before you go to war, before you build the tower.
Am I willing to do it?
Discussion of Comfort and Convenience
Evaluate your Mastery of the Law of Sacrifice (1-10)
Law # 19
The Law of Timing.
When to lead is as important as What to do and where to Go
Make hay while the sun shines, that’s smart. Go fishing during the harvest, that’s stupid. Proverbs 10:7 (The Message)
This is the difference between a leader and a manager. Managers want to know procedures, leaders want to know timing. A manager does not understand that if you do the right thing at the wrong time it will not turn out well.
Non-leaders can’t always see it.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-3. There is a time for everything.
Leaders take advantage of timing. Others who do not understand it are more often hurt by it.
This is a cousin to the law of intuition. If you are intuitive you will make the best use of timing. A great leader will get more advantage out of timing than a non leader. When going well, put total effort keep it going. When start loosing, cut loses quick. Church programs. We add things, we never kill things. When the horse is dead, dismount.
The law of timing is a double edged sword!
The wrong action at the wrong time = disaster
The wrong action at the right time = mistake
The right action at the wrong time = resistance
The right action at the right time = success
There is not much difference between the last two. There is a fine line, except when you look at the outcome. Why are my people not voting for this or going for this vision. Because we have the right decision but it is the wrong time.
Timing requires . . .
Maturity—very few young leaders are good here. Young has not had enough experience to do this well. Sometimes when you have a good idea you have to sit on it for a while. Leaders are always ready before followers.
Confidence—have to know if the timing is wrong, you know there will be a time when it is right. Insecure people don’t do this law well.
Understanding—You see the big picture.
Decisiveness—The ability to make a quick decision. Move when the decision is called for. Plutocracy keep us from striking when the iron is hot.
Experience fits in the same category as maturity. Kind of know what to expect.
Preparation—This is the most important one. Timing asks for us to be prepared. We look at is as, here is my window. Get prepared so your ready to move. People look at it as mystical, and they are never prepared. Get ready in the off season, so when the season comes your ready to move. Churches wait too long to raise money.
When the right leaders and the right timing come together unbelievable things happen.
The laws of intuition and timing are the two most difficult to teach.
Naturally gifted leaders excel in this area.
Review the requirements of Timing. What are your weak areas?
Who should you ask to help you in this area?
Evaluate your mastery of the Law of Timing (1-10)
Law #20
The Law of Explosive Growth.
To add growth, lead followers, to multiply, lead leaders
Followers Math = addition
Leaders math = multiplication
90% of all leaders, gather followers, not leaders!
Leaders are hard to find
Leaders are hard to gather
Leaders are hard to hold
Because of these three we too often lead followers instead of leaders.
The difference between leaders who Develop leaders and Leaders who develop followers
As I give you these differences, I want to give you a check mark by the one you favor.
Desire. Leaders who develop followers need to be needed. Don’t call me reverend, Dr. My name is Les. Leave after 22 years. Not hard to leave. Callus, no, just realistic. They could go on. Cell group, baby, I was number 3 to get there. Nurse not let me in.
Leaders who develop leaders what to be succeeded.
Focus. Leaders who develop followers focus on the weaknesses of people (counselor).
Leaders who develop leaders focus on the strengths of people (equipper) The day I went from a counseling pastor to an equipping pastor is the day I began leading leaders not followers.
Priorities. Leaders who develop followers devote attention to the bottom 20%
Leaders who develop leaders devote attention to the top 20%
Ability10’s will hire 10’s 8’s will hire 7’s 4’s will hire 4’s will hire 1’s The lower you go the wider the gap gets.
Leaders who develop followers are good leaders
Leaders who develop leaders are great leaders.
Attitude. Leaders who develop followers lift up themselves
Leaders who develop leaders lift up others.
When leader doesn’t get the credit, who does.
Time. Leaders who develop followers spend time with people.
Leaders who develop leaders invest time with people.
Expectations. Leaders who develop followers ask for little commitment.
Leaders who develop leaders ask for much commitment.
Leadership. Leaders who develop followers lead everyone the same
Leaders who develop leaders lead everyone differently My staff, Karen, Ann, Steve, Bill, Wes, John. Don’t give equal time. What they need. People complain, you spend more time with them than me. You’re a wimpy whiney person.
Impact. Leaders who develop followers impact this generation.
Leaders who develop leaders impact the next generation. Worship issues here.
What is my leadership #? That will determine the quality of person you attract.
Review the Nine differences between leaders who develop leaders and leaders who develop followers. Which side do you usually fall on?
Evaluate your mastery of the Law of Explosive Growth (1-10)
Law # 21
The Law of Legacy
Succession is one of the key responsibilities of leadership. Max Dupree
Life is not a dash it is a relay. Pass the baton off to the next generation. Exchange zone. Where they hand off the baton to the next runner. This is the most critical time. My race is important race, but it is not the only race. I need to pass it on. If I don’t have anyone to pass the baton too, the race will surely be lost.
A leader’s lasting value is measured by succession
Achievement comes when someone is able to do great things for himself.
Success comes when he empowers followers to do great things with him.
Significance comes when he develops leaders to do great things for him.
Legacy comes when he raises his church to do great things without him.
Leaders who leave a legacy of success. Lead an organization with the long view. They go beyond us. It gets better. Don’t leave it like I left my first church in Williamsville. Create a leadership culture. Pay price today for success tomorrow. Must recognize the value of team leadership above individual leadership.
Walk away with integrity. A legacy is critical only when a person puts his organization in the position to do great things without him. Work your way out of a job. Do it with them until you learn to do it. Equip them so well that I can take Anita and just slip out the door and about six months later they will say, Les is gone.
Personnel determines the potential of an organization
Relationships determine the morale
Structure determines the size
Vision determines the direction
Leadership determines the success.
When I leave a responsibility does it get better or worse? Why?
Have I handed the leadership baton off to the next leader with integrity and a solid foundation to continue the success of the congregation?
Evaluate your mastery of the law of legacy (1-10)