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Koučování je příležitostí k osobnímu učení, růstu, rozvoji a změně.

The good sermon is like a river

  •  It starts on high ground – you have worthy topic/text to the listener. You should never be trivial! The topic should fit the occasion.
  • We should and do not live or preach in vacuum. Much of our sermons should be life centered, but sometimes we need to preach about eternal things. (The attributes of God, etc.)
  • It should not be swallow nor too deep – swallow water has no power
  • Comes from the depth of the earth – it should not be something shallow. We should not preach to advance ourselves.
  • The sermon begins in the heart of God – it is pure.
  • The sermon begins in the heart of me – it should be fresh.
  • Other streams come to the river to support it.
  • (History, nature, news, travel, experience, art, geography)
  • It provides nourishment to the thirsty – people need spiritual vitamins and variety in it.
  • It refreshes – the size and the taste.
  • It is a thing of beauty – we should use proper words to honor the gospel, but be careful and do not dress the sermon over. It takes the attention away.
  • It generates power – power to change lives.
  • Boats can flow on the river – Things that help us to live our lives with.
  • More narrow the river the more powerful it is. – Let us speak not just in general terms but specific.
  • The river enlarges into the sea. – Our sermons has to lead to a definite goal.
  •  The sermon is like an orange tree: It has flowers for beauty and orange to live by it at the same time.

Components of the sermon

 1. Text  -  a good text will generate a good sermon

  • Text must be clear
  • Text must be proper  of edification of listeners
  • Text is not to have embarrassments aspects (Hosea 7:8; 2Kings 18:27-35)
  • Text must be in clear connection with our subject.
  • Text must be complete – it should be texts that interest you. People will be excited only if you are about your sermon.
  • Should meet a need -  we go into the pulpit not to interpret the Bible but to to interpret life through the Bible. We have to tell how Bible is revenant for our lives and how teach us how to live. 
  • Text must not be too long and must not be too short

Test must be important – must deal with a real need

Other advises in dealing with the text

  • If you preach from the whole book, plan ahead.
  •  Do not avoid familiar texts. There is a reason why they are familiar, but do not overlook new texts that you can make familiar to the congregation.


2. The purpose of the sermon

  • The purpose of the sermon is the answer of this question: what life changes will result form preaching this sermon?
  • The purpose of the sermon is what the preacher wants to do in or with his sermon, what his intentions are through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • Every sermon must have a definite purpose, which must generate from the wish of salvation of sinners or edification of the church.

From practical point of view the sermon purposes can be:

  • Pedagogical – for teaching in a certain area. Sermons that will fulfill this goal can be: doctrinal, evangelistic, biographical or others.
  • Devotional – when pastor intents through the grace of God to determine his listeners to make some decisions.
  • Moralistic -  when preacher is trying to motivate people for certain virtues or to help them to change from certain habits or attitudes.
  • To be according with God’s will
  • To be for salvation of people
  • To be for edification of the church.
  • Well definite – preacher must know precisely what  he wants to accomplish through his sermon. 
  • Limited – we can not say everything in one sermon. We must set some borders of ideas. 
  • In order to preach a good sermon  we need to have a good subject for our sermon. Subject is really a penetration in God’s truth in relationship with human life experience. Concrete problems and gospel’s answers are the best points in beginning the sermon.
  • The subject can be:
    • A doctrine, a ethic principle
    • A spiritual principle
    • A doctrinaire principle
    • A personal principle or social
    • A need of human soul
    • An encouragement
    • An instruction
    • Sermon without a clear subject can be by no meaning clear. 
  • From the practical point of view, subject can be:
    • An abstract idea: Salvation by grace
    • A teaching: Obeying God
    • An historical event: Building the Temple
    • A thing: Moses’ stick
    • Characteristic of the person: The courage of  David
  • Characteristics of a good sermon subject:
    • Must be Christian: the preacher must have in mind the purposes of God’s Kingdom
    • Must be clear: so clear that everybody will understand it
    • Must be pleasant: must have a poetical beauty, that people will enjoy and will be excited to listen to.
    • Must be attractive: must get attention and curiosity of people
    • Must be specific: must reflect a truth or meet a need, must be biblical and answer to the needs of people

Characteristics of the sermon purpose

Qualities of the sermon’s  purpose

3. Subject of the sermon

4. Outline of the Sermon

1.       Major points

The outline must have them (2-5 points). Sermon needs a plan, like a building. The existence of a plan can be seen from the outside.

Advantages of an outline:

(1)     Helps us to be creative

(2)     Makes our studies profitable

(3)     Keeps the parts proportionate

(4)     It is an aid to style (This is our worship to God, so it can be beautiful.)

(5)     It is an aid to our and our audience’s memory

(6)     Makes our sermon intelligible, understandable.

Qualities of a good outline: ( Unity, Balance, Movement)

a)     Each point has a living force in it.

b)    Each point has something characteristic.

c)       Each starting have similar form

d)    There is a progress, a movement in each of them toward a direction.

e)    There is unity in the sermon. The points are not overlapping, but show different aspects or things that lies beyond the idea)

5. What to do with the text?

1. Main points

a)       Cut it up - (Find the turning points.)

b)      Expand the text, show the general application (Example: story of Naomi and Ruth)

c)       Move from general to specific

d)      Compare it

e)      Contrast it

f)         Look at it various contexts

g)      Look for progression in it

h)       Categorize the text

i)         Do parallel slicing, showing the different aspects the layers of the passage.

2.       Sub-points

What methods can we use in determining them?

  • Analyze the statement of the main point (why and how)
  • Beautify the main points
  • Confirm the point
  • Compare the main point
  • Contrast the main point (not like . . . )
  • Define the main point
  • Explain the main point
  • Illustrate the main point
  • Restate it with other words
  • Talk about its causes
  • Talk about its cure
  • Explain the details
  • Provide examples 

6. The Introduction

Good beginning and good end is inevitable for a good sermon. But keep them close to each other as much as possible.

The best words should be in the beginning not the best ideas. The introduction should not be more then 4-5 sentences. They should be written down and memorized.

The importance of introduction is to draw the attention and raise interest for the sermon. It stirs up curiosity, prepares the mind of the listener and secures his good will for the preacher.

What materials do we use for introduction?

  1. Word pictures –
  2. Starting statement –
  3. Open with poems, songs, questions, problem illustrations, humor or current event.
  4. Geographical background
  5. Historical background

Biblical background.

The good introduction is brief, simple, appropriate and interesting.

Why introductions fail?

a)       They are predictable (e.g. the preacher uses always the same method for starting.)

b)      Promise too much

c)       They are inappropriate (do not fit to this particular sermon)

d)      Ignorant of the experiences of the day of the audience.

e)      They are too dull.

f)         They tell too much.

g)      Promises too little.

h)       They do not promise anything.

i)         They are unprepared.

j)         They are not fresh.

k)       They are too negative.

l)         They tell the audience more than what they want to know.
Introduction should take the passenger on board before take-off.

m)     They are too slow.

n)       They are too fast. (Reaches what the audience wants to hear.)



7. The Conclusion

  • It is similar to the landing (the dangerous part of flight). It requires lot of skills.
  • Do not waist the time of the audience! Land with full power!
  • Do not be like a guest, who wants to leave and quit but do not know how!
  • The good sermon is like one burning light, and the conclusion should lead to the sea of life not like the Australian rivers leading nowhere.
  • Conclusion SHOULD NOT BE announced! The audience will know when it is over, so the sermon should end suddenly not predictably.
  • HAVE ONLY ONE CONCLUSION for one sermon!
  • Conclusion succeeds when it inspires response.

Forms of a good conclusion:

a)       Practical

b)      Should be variety in our conclusions

c)       Can appeal to something

d)      Can be an application

e)      Can be an exaltation

f)         Can be a consolation

g)      Can be projection of a possible future

h)       Can be a call for decision

i)         Can be a proclamation

Good sermons should always have (this is the ideal case):

  1. Something to learn (not just new truths but you can show how to apply the old).
  2. Something to think about (questions left unanswered).
  3. Something to feel (not just thinking materials are needed).
  4. Something to remember.
  5. Something to do.


Evaluating the sermon – we must ask at least 10 questions 

  1. Do your sermon give a fair representation of all the Scriptures?
  2. Does the preaching provide systematic treatment of important biblical themes?
  3. Is the preaching relevant to present needs of hearers?
  4. Does the sermon have a clearly stated central idea?
  5. Does the sermon have a sharply defined aim?
  6. Does the sermon follow a definite logical or psychological progression?
  7. Is the language clear and understandable?
  8. Does the sermon use a variety of developmental and supportive material?
  9. Is the sermon an event in which the Holy Spirit is truly at work?
  10. Does the preaching exalt Jesus Christ?


 -  N.Lica