Zobrazení: 4561


  1. A little sin leads to more sin.
  2. Sin invites the discipline of God.
  3. The time spent in my sin is forever wasted.
  4. My sin never pleases but always grieves the God who loves me.
  5. My sin places a greater burden on my spiritual leaders.
  6. In time , sin always brings heaviness to my heart.
  7. Others including my family, suffer conseqvences due to my sin.
  8. My sin makes the enemies of God rejoice.
  9. Sin deceives me from believeng I have gained when in reality I have lost.
  10. Sin may keep me from qualifying for spiritual leadership.
  11. The supposed benefits of sin will never outweigh the conseqvences of disobedience.
  12. Repenting of sin is a painful process.
  13. My sin may influence others to sin.
  14. My sin may keep others from knowing Christ.
  15. Sin makes light of the cross, upon which Christ died for very purpose of taking away my sin.
  16. It is impossible to sin and fallow the Spirit at the same time.
  17. Others more earnest that I have beem destroyed by just such sins.
  18. God choose not to hear the prayers of those who cherish their sin - Ps 66:18.
  19. My unwillingness to reject this sin now grants it authority over me greater than I understand.
  20. I promised God He would be the Lords of my life.